Sunday, March 13, 2011

Upcoming Events for CRUSHED SUGAR Release

Good morning, Blog Buds!  My calendar is taking shape for Crushed Sugar.  It'll be considerably low-key compared to the release of my debut novel, Sugar Rush.  It's so nice not to be a freaked-out new author anymore! 
Kimber An's Calendar
If you'd like to showcase Crushed Sugar, have me guest blog for you, or interview me, please email me at eMail Me!
If you're a book reviewer and I haven't already tracked you down and begged you to read it, please eMail me and I'll ask Decadent Publishing to send you a FREE electronic Advanced Reviewer's Copy.
Several blogs hosting me and Crushed will be giving away free copies of it.  I will also be giving away a BIG PRIZE here to commenters on my Release Day post, March 25th.  I haven't decided what it'll be, but definitely something Alaskan.  For Sugar Rush, I sent a plush toy moose.
To all my blog buddies, if you'd like to give me a simple shout-out, please pop over to my Media Kit for Bloggers.  I'll be updating it with the blurb, which can be found on the About CRUSHED SUGAR  page right now.  If you let me know, providing I don't find out, I can link to it here and my other blogs and Facebook and such.
For this week, expect excerpts at some point, plust my daughter, a member of the target readership, will be reviewing Crushed Sugar right here this week, Thursday or Friday.  Yeah, she's my daughter, but, believe, she doesn't hesitate to tell me when something's crap!
If you all Tweet, Facebook, and otherwise shout-out about Crushed Sugar sometime during the next couple of weeks, I sure would appreciate it!


Nayuleska said...

I love Kimber An Jr's reviews! Want to know what she thinks of it. This is highly exciting!

Kimber Li said...

I call Kimber, Jr my secret weapon. She's already read it a couple of times in the editing process. She thought it was cool getting paid for it. Of course, mistakes have been fixed since then, based on comments like, "Mom, if you don't put more wierdness in this, it's just another romance novel."

My baby!