I have had the great fun of reading an advanced reader's copy of Artichoke's Heart by Suzanne Supplee - the release date is June 12th, but you can, of course, pre-order on Amazon.
I've read about a lot of teenage issues in books lately -- one girl is too smart for her own good, or she has a shallow step-mother, or her brother ignores her. This is the first that I've read and said, "Yeah, that's legitimately a big problem in high school. No wonder this poor girl is struggling." Because Rosemary is overweight. Not just a little overweight, like all the chick lit heroines who need to drop 5 pounds to fit into their favorite jeans, but significantly overweight. High school is still present enough in my mind that I know this would be incredibly painful to a young girl. And on top of it, Rosemary is being raised by a young single mom, in a small town, with an aunt who is way too involved in Rosemary's weight issues.
But, of course, there is a boy... and things improve... and Rosemary learns some things about herself and her mother... and I couldn't put it down. I read it straight through in a day and a half, and I have three little kids so that was quite a feat!
I highly recommend you getting your hands on a copy of this one!
Suzanne has also written When Irish Guys Are Smiling - which sounds fabulous as I, personally, have a particular soft spot of Irish guys. ;) I think you might also like I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You, by Ally Carter and Wrecked, by E.R. Frank.
Oh, yes, Irish Guys...(sigh)
Excellent review, Robin!
I was a fat girl in high school, so I totally relate. But once I lost just enough to get some confidence, even after I gained it back I was fine. And never without a date unless I wanted to be.
And yes yes yes on Irish guys. ;)
I'm 20 pounds skinnier now than I was on my wedding day.
The media would have us believe only skinny blonds deserve love, but that's a load of crap.
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