Sunday, January 31, 2010

Comfort Reads

Want to know what I've been reading while taking time of for Tendonitis and Seasonal Affected Disorder?
HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCEROR'S STONE by J.K. Rowling.  I finally got around to reading this one and it was instantly obvious why this novel went through the stratosphere of the bestselling charts.  The author totally and completely nailed all the emotional needs of the average 10 to 12 year old child and then some!
DOWN HOME ZOMBIE BLUES by Linnea Sinclair.  I usually only like the Hero OR the Heroine in a Romance novel, but this is one novel in which I like both.  This was the second or third time I read this one.
AMAZON INK by Lori Devoti.  Great worldbuilding.
Oh, and UGLIES by Scott Westerfeld
Remember to tune in on Tuesdays for reviews by our new reviewer, Rebecca Lynn!

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